Yenni is back!! And this time, it's personal/decaffeinated.. :)
After having Yenni's very very special thermal shock Castillo as an anchor coffee for the first year or so, (who remembers that freaking banger?!) it is super cool to be able to bring back this decaf lot from her and share a different angle on this great coffee and great producer.
I'm also super proud to have been able to source a number of decaf coffees that are really rad and can hold their own against your daily coffees giving you another great experience, but let you get to bed at a sensible hour too
As a filter brew I'm getting Strawberry notes as well as a cherry mouthfeel and pastry butteriness. When I run it as an espresso I'm finding strawberry, rhubarb, and a cinnamon roll note that's raaaaaaad. It's sweet, floral, and buttery.
Big fan!
The AE-water process allows a gentle extraction of caffeine from the bean, avoiding excessive heat, pressure, and maintaining the natural structure and characteristics of the coffee bean.
Varietal - Castillo // region - Cauca